Church Newsletter For June 15, 1998

Greetings from Brother Dave! I pray this newsletter finds each of you well and happy.

Well, things are really hopping for our church and for our members' ministries. Hardly a day goes by without some news in my mailbox about new ministries being started and maintained by our members and ordained clergy. I confess I've fallen behind in adding some of these to the members' ministries page, but if you've sent in a request to be added to it lately, I promise I'll be adding your ministry site to the page soon. It pleases me greatly to see what an actively evangelistic membership we have. God bless you all for your evangelical efforts.

I would also like to congratulate church members Lester Elmore, Steven Harris, and Carl Blanton for their successful completion of the course of studies for their Ph.D.'s in Biblical Studies from our School Of Biblical Studies. I'm always pleased to award our degrees to members of our church who have committed themselves to studying the Word in this way. If you haven't visited our School of Biblical Studies yet, you'll find a link to it on the front page of our website. I encourage everyone to visit it and, even if you don't pursue your Ph.D., please feel free to download and make use of the lessons there however you wish.

I'm also very pleased to announce the opening of a website for Augusta Street Ministries. Please pay it a visit and read about this new ministry of our church. The site explains the mission of Augusta Street Ministries, and has photographs of our ministry in action. I think you'll really enjoy the site and be touched by the photographs, and yes, that's me in the pics! And please consider linking to the site from your own websites.

I would like to give a word of thanks to everyone who has been praying for me and this ministry. This is tornado season around here, and several times already this season we've had numerous tornados in the immediate area, some as close as twenty or thirty miles away from my home. Please keep the victims of these tornados in your prayers. Also, please keep those ill or injured members of our church in your prayers. I hear from many of our members who are suffering from illness, disabilities, or injuries, and they request your prayers, even while requesting anonymity. Just know that there are brothers and sisters in our church who need your prayers, and are grateful for them. I'd also like to thank everyone who visits our prayer request message board on a regular basis and responds to the prayer requests there. I know you're a great blessing not only to those who need prayer, but to this church as well.

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone to please visit our chat room for our weekly chat sessions/worship services, from 8pm to 10pm Eastern. It's a great way to experience fellowship with other members of our church. And, as always, be sure and visit our church bulletin board and take part in the threaded discussions there. Remember, the bbs is where I make special announcements to the church between newsletters, so checking in regularly will help keep you on top of everything going on in our church.

As always, you remain in my heart and my prayers at all times. God bless you!

Yours in Christ,
Brother Dave

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